When there is a radical shift in the society or a groundbreaking innovation in technology, workplace is among the first to be redesigned. From giant factories to translucent towers, segregated cubicles to cool venues for co-working, there has been a wide variety of solutions in the last centuries, triggered by either social thresholds or technological breakthroughs. 
Unlike living spaces, workplace has evolved radically throughout history. However, emerging ideas for new working environments are hardly long-term solutions. Open-plan office, aspired mostly by employers, was blamed to decrease the performance of employees. Cubicles that are revisited today for COVID-safe offices, were mostly criticised in the last decade, right after they were boomed as a simple solution to create personal space in open-plan offices. Co-working venues that had been supported by big investors in the last decade, start to expire as the increasing common expense annoys the users. Remote working which was a trending topic in the beginning of this century with the spread of the world wide web, has to be reconfigured with the effect of Pandemics since it is obligatory rather than a choice. Like innovations, economic crisis, or social transformation, Pandemic becomes another threshold that prompts new ideas in workspace.   
In this cycle, AAP will focus on work environments. Continuing with the theme “Small Scale Decent Change”, the program will investigate how small scale design can contribute to the places we work. Small scale has always been a strong tool to generate solutions for workplace, not only to integrate office facility to our homes, but also to customise outsize work environments. It was 1885 when Sarah Goode designed a cabinet bed, which becomes a writing desk to transform a part of the house into office space when necessary. Considering new technologies, social change, the economic crisis which is multiplied by Pandemics, AAP will investigate how small scale design once again could be explored for new possibilities workplace requires. 
As in the first cycle of the programme, the program consists of four semesters. Initially, students will discover the potentials of the theme and develop a brief of the project by doing elaborate research on workplace. In the following semesters, students will design and build a prototype. The last semester is reserved for thesis writing. The industrial partners of this cycle are Fibrobeton and MetalYapı, where the professional partner is SO?
Considering new technologies, social change, the economic crisis which is multiplied by Pandemics, 2020-2021 project will investigate how small scale design, once again, could be explored for new possibilities workplace requires.
Berrak Oğrak, Elnur Kayaoğlu, Hanse Yalçınkaya, Murat Usta, Ravza Türk, Sibel Öksüz, Uğur Yögen 

Studio Instructor
Oral Göktaş

Industry Partners
Metal Yapı
Research Book
Design Book

The assembly of the wooden version of Parantez has been completed at MEF FADA.